Uwe Freier Foundation Fund
for people experiencing homelessness

Consciously Understanding

Being involved in the real estate industry myself, I am very familiar with the problem of finding suitable housing in certain life situations. The possibility of living somewhere, something that is as natural as air to breathe to many in our society, is precisely the prerequisite for drawing the urgently needed new power from peace and quiet for processing constructively to improve one's own situation. If this possibility of retreat, the proverbial "roof over one's head", is missing, the spiral continues downwards, because without a home there is no job and without a permanent job it is almost impossible to find a home these days - a vicious circle from which those affected often cannot find a way out without help from outside.

Thanks for Your Support!

IBAN: DE50 5206 0410 0005 3535 05
Bank: Evangelische Bank eG
Purpose: Donation Uwe Freier Stiftungsfonds

Donations to us make our help possible and are of course tax deductible as donations to non-profit organizations under the Income Tax Act. You will of course receive a donation receipt for the amount of your donation..

Concrete Help

In April 2016, I set up a foundation fund under the umbrella of the Nuremberg City Mission's " Hilfe im Leben" Foundation, which helps people who have become homeless or provides them with preventative support (e.g. with advice on problems with landlords) so it doesn't even get that far.

We don't know what tomorrow will happen and hardly anyone has consciously decided to live on the streets. Those who do end up there are very happy about people who will support them. And while sitting in the warm and dry, we should think about getting involved in this support today.

Many many thanks!